Steroid Cortisone Joint Injections

Regain confidence and restore your well being

Steroid Cortisone Joint Injections

Regain confidence and restore your well being

Steroid Cortisone Injections

What is a steroid / cortisone injection?

Steroid injections, also known as Cortisone injections, are anti-inflammatory medicines that are injected into a joint or soft tissue to help reduce localised inflammation and to reduce pain.

Steroid Cortisone Injections

What is a steroid / cortisone injection?

Steroid injections, also known as Cortisone injections, are anti-inflammatory medicines that are injected into a joint or soft tissue to help reduce localised inflammation and to reduce pain.

How do steroid / cortisone injections work?

The steroid reduces inflammation to the area it is injected in and this then helps reduce swelling and pain. These injections are often used to treat inflammatory conditions and musculoskeletal pain, such as inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis and a range of other soft tissue conditions which involves pain and / or inflammation.

How quickly do steroid / cortisone injections work and how often can you have them?

The steroid injections can start working within a few days but it may take up to two weeks in some people. They can last for several months after the injection and in some cases they can resolve the problem. It is generally regarded as safe to have a maximum of three injections in any joint per year.

Are steroid / cortisone injections safe and what are the possible side effects?

Steroid injections have been used to inject into musculoskeletal areas of the body for decades and are generally regarded as being safe. We carefully assess patients to decide if it is safe or beneficial for them to have this injection. The vast majority of people have steroid injections without any significant side effects but the possibilities of these will be discussed with you during your consultation. Some of the side effects could include:

  • Post injection pain which usually lasts 24-48 hours after the injection. Usually simple painkillers, such as Paracetamol, applying hot / cold packs and some rest will help the pain to settle.
  • Occasionally the injection may cause some local skin thinning or lightening (depigmentation).
  • Infection is a rare but potentially serious side effect following steroid injection. Studies suggest approximately 1:50,000, risk of infection following an injection. We take every step to minimise these risks by ensuring all infection prevention and control guidelines are strictly adhered to at all times.
  • If you have Diabetes you may experience a temporary fluctuation in your blood sugars.

Which body parts are you able to inject?

Steroid injections can be very effective for a number of musculoskeletal painful conditions. The following steroid injections are available at Regents Clinic:

  • Shoulders: osteoarthritis of the shoulder or acromioclavicular joint; rotator cuff disorders; subacromial impingement; frozen shoulder
  • Elbows: tennis elbow or golfers elbow
  • De Quervains Tenosynovitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis of the base of the thumb (1st carpometacarpal joint)
  • Trigger fingers
  • Trochanteric bursitis of the hip
  • Knees for osteoarthritis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Osteoarthritis of the great toe (1st metatarsophalangeal joint)

Which body parts are you able to inject?

Steroid injections can be very effective for a number of musculoskeletal painful conditions. The following steroid injections are available at Regents Clinic:

  • Shoulders: osteoarthritis of the shoulder or acromioclavicular joint; rotator cuff disorders; subacromial impingement; frozen shoulder
  • Elbows: tennis elbow or golfers elbow
  • De Quervains Tenosynovitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis of the base of the thumb (1st carpometacarpal joint)
  • Trigger fingers
  • Trochanteric bursitis of the hip
  • Knees for osteoarthritis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Osteoarthritis of the great toe (1st metatarsophalangeal joint)

Do I need to have an X-ray or scan before an injection?

In some cases having imaging (an X-ray or scan) to confirm the diagnosis can be helpful, but this is not always necessary as some conditions can be diagnosed after a clinical examination. If you have already had imaging or a diagnosis confirmed please try and bring the report with you. If after your assessment it is felt that imaging would help guide the course of your treatment then this can be arranged for you at a local private hospital (please note there will be an additional cost for any imaging required).

To book an appointment follow this link:

If you require any further information on steroid joint injections call: 0113 8730552. Or email:

Joint Injections pain and Treatments